Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project READ and ePerformax

Brief History

Project READ resulted from individual and group studies and experiences of ePerformax staff members in the course of working with potential recruits.

Their research yielded the following realities which aroused concern:
While there were a lot of better paying jobs for Filipinos who had a good command of the English language, there were not enough Filipinos who could qualify.
Job seekers who come from middle income means and higher had better chances to land good jobs because they are more proficient in English and can help themselves to more books to improve themselves.

Job seekers who learned English at a younger age tend to have little trouble adjusting to global standards and communication challenges. The younger one develops English skills, the higher the chances of success later on in life.

Monetary assistance to the poor tend to be short-lived and non sustaining, but providing them skills for self-help gave them a chance for a better future. Cultivating English proficiency and access to books may provide a solution.

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